• Easily generate, draw, render USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode) images in C#.NET environment
  • Completely integrated into C#.NET 2.0/3.0/4.0
  • Easy to rotate barcode images to 0, 90, 180, or 270 degree
  • Generate scannable USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode) image according to its specifications
  • Simple to colorize USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode) barcode background , foreground, human-readable text
  • Absolutely control USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode) barcode resolution to suit your needs
  • Mature and reliable Barcode Generator for C#.NET used world-wide
Setting USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode) Barcode Image in C#.NET
Those following properties may influence USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode) barcode width: (a), barcode rotation; (b), barcode resolution; (c), image format; (d), human-readable text; (e) image color; and (f), bar alignment.

Download BusinessRefinery.com C#.NET USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode) and unzip; then add BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Win.dll or BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Web.dll to your .NET project reference; copy those C# sample code onto your Visual Studio:
     using BusinessRefinery.Barcode;
     Linear barcode = new Linear();
     barcode.Symbology = Symbology.ONECODE;
     barcode.Code = "9876543210";

(a) Barcode rotation

Change USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode) barcode rotation using Rotate property in BusinessRefinery.com C#.NET USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode).
     barcode.Rotate = Rotate.Rotate0;

(b) Barcode resolution

Manage USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode) barcode resolution using Resolution property in BusinessRefinery.com C#.NET USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode).
     barcode.Resolutin = 72;

(c) Image Formats

Save the barcode images to most of the popular image formats using drawBarcode2ImageFile property in BusinessRefinery.com C#.NET
Draw USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode) barcode image into C#.NET Graphics, Stream & Bitmap objects.
     barcode.drawBarcode2Stream("Stream object");
     barcode.drawBarcodeOnGraphics("Graphics object");

(d) Human-readable Text

Display or hide USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode) human-readable text using DisplayText property.
     barcode.DisplayText = true;
Completely control over the appearance of the human-readable text in the USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode) barcode image using TextFont properties.
     barcode.TextFont = new FontStyle("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 11); 

(e) Image Color

Colorize any part of the USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode) barcode image, including default white and black. Change USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode) foreground color using ForeColor property.
     barcode.ForeColor = BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Color.Green;
Set USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode) background color using BackColor properties.
     barcode.BackColor = BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Color.White;
Print USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode) with colorized human-readable text using TextColor properties.
     barcode.TextColor = BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Color.Pink;

(f) Bar Alignment

Change USPS Intelligent Mail (OneCode) barcode horizontal alignment inside the image using BarAlignment property.
     barcode.BarAlignment = 2;

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