Barcode .NET > Generate Barcode C#
How to Generate Barcodes Using Visual C# Class
Barcode Generator for Visual C# is a flexible .NET barcode generating library DLL, allowing developers to create 20+ linear and 2D barcodes in Visual C# 2005 / 2010 development environments, supporting
Code 39 C#,
Code 128 in C#, QR Code , Data Matrix, PDF-417, etc. C# barcode source code available for purchase.
Barcode Creator for C#.NET is designed for generating barcode images in C#.NET applications. It is compatible with C# class library, C# Windows Forms Applications, C# ASP.NET Web Forms, C#.NET Reporting Service, C#.NET Crystal Report and other C$ barcode development in the .NET Framework.
Barcode Encoder for C#.NET, a set of options over every aspect of barcode are provided for users to adjust barcode image quality, barcode size, human-readable text style, etc. Besides, all the generated barcode using Barcode Generator for C#.NET can be used on all the printers!
Barcode Generator for C#.NET also provides
Visual C# integration guide to guide printing barcodes in various C# applications, such as barcoding for Crystal Report C# barcode, RDLC Report C# barcode, etc. each with developer guide samples. Follow the steps below to make barcodes in C# ASP.NET and C# WinForms barcodes.
C# Barcode Generator Library Requirements
Windows OS Compatible with Microsoft Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, etc. | .NET Support written in managed C#, full integration into .NET development environment, like .NET Windows Forms application, .NET class & consol application, Crystal Reports, Reporting Service, etc |
Install C# Barcode Generator Dll Library to .NET WinForms
Method 1: Print Barcodes in C# Windows Forms Applications
- Download C# barcode generator Dll for .NET package and unzip.
- Add "BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Win.dll" to your Winforms project reference.
- Copy the Visual C# demo codes below to your barcode project.
Install .NET Barcode Generator in C# ASP.NET project
Method 2: Create Barcodes in C# ASP.NET Web Application
- Freely download barcode dll library for Visual C# .NET SDK and unzip.
- Add "BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Web.dll" to you ASP.NET project reference.
- Use the namespace "BusinessRefinery.Barcode" and copy the C# barcode sample codes below
How to Create Barcode Images with C# Class in .NET Applications?
Copy the sample code below to your .NET project to print barcodes using C#:
using BusinessRefinery.Barcode;
QRCode barcode = new QRCode();
barcode.Code = "QR Code";
barcode.Resolution = 104;
barcode.Rotate = Rotate.Rotate180;
barcode.Format = ImageFormat.Gif;
How to Draw Barcodes to Image Files and C#.NET Objects?
Copy the code below to print barcode in Gif/Jpeg, Png image formats using C# Class:
using BusinessRefinery.Barcode;
QRCode barcode = new QRCode();
barcode.Code = "QR Code";
barcode.Format = ImageFormat.Gif;
You may change "gif" with "png", "jpeg", "tiff", etc.
Draw barcode image into C#.NET Graphics, Stream & Bitmap objects.
public void drawBarcode2ImageFile(string filename);
public void drawBarcode2Stream(Stream fileStream);
public byte[] drawBarcodeAsBytes();
public Bitmap drawBarcodeOnBitmap();
public void drawBarcodeOnGraphics(Graphics graphics);