Barcode .NET > Generate Barcode VB.NET
How to Generate Barcodes in Visual Basic.NET
Barcode Generator for Visual Basic is a professional and flexible barcode generating component dll, enabling users to easily integrate dynamic barcodes into Visual Basic projects, including VB.NET ASP.NET & Windows Applications, VB.NET Class library & Console Applications. You can also print barcodes in SSRS Report using VB.NET, barcode in VB.NET Crystal Report and RDLC Report VB.NET.
Barcode Encoder Component for VB.NET supports to encode
30+ linear, 2D and postal barcodes in accordance with established barcode standard & specifications in ISO/IEC and GS1 system, including Code 39,
Code 128,
UPC/EAN barcode, QR Code , Data Matrix, PDF-417, USPS Intelligent Mail, etc.
Using VB.NET barcode creator, developers can easily generate
barcode images in GIF, JPEG or PNG, BMP or TIFF files in the VB.NET projects without using fonts. Automatic image resize supported for valid barcode output. VB.NET barcode generator also supports barcode image resolution and orientation customization.
Besides, user can
freely control barcode size by specifying a certain barcode type, setting barcode size, such as the adjustment of X dimension, wide to narrow ratio, barcode height and other properties with VB.NET barcode generator. Here is a
VB.NET Integration Guide for generating barcode images in various VB.NET projects.
VB.NET Barcode Generator DLL Requirements
Windows OS Compatible with Microsoft Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, etc. | .NET Support written in managed VB.NET, full integration into .NET development environment, like .NET Windows Forms application, .NET class & consol application, Crystal Reports, Reporting Service, etc |
Install .NET Barcode Generator Library in VB.NET
How to Create Barcodes in Windows Forms Project usig VB.NET
- Free to download Barcode Generator for .NET Ultimate trial package.
- Add BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Win.dll to your Winforms project reference.
- Copy the Visual Basic sample code below to print barcode images.
Install .NET Barcode Generator in VB.NET Applications
How to Create Barcodes in ASP.NET Web Application usig VB.NET
- Download Barcode Generator for .NET Ultimate trial package and unzip.
- Add BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Web.dll to you ASP.NET website/ web project reference.
- Now copy the VB.NET sample code blow to print barcodes in VB.NET ASP.NET.
How to Print Barcode Images in VB.NET Class Library?
Sample codes to print gif barcode images in VB.NET Applications:
Dim barcode As BusinessRefinery.Barcode.QRCode =
New BusinessRefinery.Barcode.QRCode()
barcode.Code = "QR Code"
barcode.Resolution = 104
barcode.Rotate = BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Rotate.Rotate270
barcode.Format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif
How to Print VB.NET Barcodes in Png, Jpeg and VB.NET Objects?
Copy those demo code to generate barcodes in .NET projects:
Dim barcode As BusinessRefinery.Barcode.QRCode =
New BusinessRefinery.Barcode.QRCode()
barcode.Code = "QR Code"
barcode.Resolution = 104
barcode.Rotate = BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Rotate.Rotate270
barcode.Format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png
You may change "gif" with "png", "jpeg", "tiff", etc.
Draw barcode image into VB.NET Graphics, Stream & Bitmap objects.
Public Sub drawBarcode2Stream(ByVal fileStream As
Public Sub drawBarcodeOnGraphics(ByVal graphics As
Public Function drawBarcodeAsBytes() As Byte()
Public Function drawBarcodeOnBitmap() As System.Drawing.Bitmap