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EAN-128, also known as UCC-128, USS-128, GS1 128, GTIN-128, is an linear barcodes symbology. EAN is short for European Article Number. EAN-128 is a subset of the Code 128 symbology. EAN-128 employes the combination of GS1 implementation and the Code 128 barcode specification. EAN-128 offers a high secutiry and distingushing data based on the Automatic Identification Manufacturers, Inc. (AIM). By enmpolying a series of Application Identifiers, EAN-128 could encodes the data which distinguish the type of the information. Type of informaiton encoded could be easily identified by the AI, including Production Date (represented by AI 11), Batch Numbers (represented by AI 10), Quantity Each (represented by AI 30), and also weights, price and batch numbers. EAN-128 is originally desinged for retailing and shipping system of universal applications. GS1-128 barcodes employes the MOD 10 check digit based on many specifications. Application Identifiers is not calculated in the MOD 10 calculation usually.
Encoding Data of EAN-128
The data could be encoded in Code 128 which in accordance with ISO/IEC 646 Standard. Note spaces are not included.
- Start chacarcter A, B and C
- Four non-data function characters. FNC2 and FNC4 are not included
- Four code set selection characters (including single character code set shift)
- One Stop Character
Structure of EAN-128
Inlucding the Quiet Zones, maximum physical length of EAN-128 is 6.5 inch. The number of maximum data encoded is 48. The GS1-128 is composed of the characters from left to right:
- A leading Quiet Zone. It is composed of the Start (A, B, or C) and FNC1. The Start Character (A, B, or C) defines the corresponding code set to be used to start the symbol. It helps EAN-128 to be distinguished from generalised Code 128.
- Encoding data itself: including the Application Identifier encoded in character set A, B, or C.
- A Symbol Check Character. It should be included as the last symbol character before the Stop Character.
- The Stop Character.
- A ending Quiet Zone. From left to right of the GS1-128, the width of the Quiet Zone should be at least 10x.
Code Set of EAN-128
EAN-128 has 3 code set A, B and C. Code set could be changed by using the shift characters.
- Code set A: It contains of all of the upper case alphanumeric characters, punctuation Characters and also the symbology elements. Including the ASCII values from 00 to 95. It also could encodes 7 special characters from character values 96 to 102.
- Code set B: It contains of all of the upper case alphanumeric characters, punctuation Characters and also the lowercase alphabetic characters. Including the ASCII values from 32 to 127. t also could encodes 7 special characters from character values 96 to 102.
- Code set C: It contains of 3 special characters from character values 100 to 102 and 100 digit pairs from 00 to 99. Numeric data will be encoded as a pair of the digits.