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- Generate barcodes in ASP.NET
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Identcode is also known as German Postal 2 of 5 Identcode, Deutsche Post AG Identcode, Deutsche Frachtpost Identcode, Identcode, CodeIdentcode, Deutsche Post AG (DHL)
.NET Barcode Identcode prints:
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
.NET Barcode Identcode Generator - C#, VB.NET Identcode Generating Sample Code
1. How to generate Identcode barcodes in C# Class?
using BusinessRefinery.Barcode; // construct a linear barcode object Linear barcode = new Linear(); // set linear barcode symbolgoy to code-128 barcode.Symbology = Symbology.CODE128; // set code-128 code text to encode barcode.Code = "9876543210"; //draw barcode and save into image file in gif format barcode.drawBarcode("C://code-128-in-csharp.gif");
2. How to generate Identcode barcodes in VB.NET Class?
// construct a linear barcode object Dim barcode As BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Linear barcode = New BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Linear() // set linear barcode symbolgoy to code-128 barcode.Symbology = BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Symbology.CODE128 // set code-128 code text to encode barcode.Code = "0123456789" //draw barcode and save into image file in gif format barcode.drawBarcode("C://code-128-in-vbnet.gif")
3. How to draw Identcode barcodes to image files (GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, & TIFF)?
using BusinessRefinery.Barcode; Linear barcode = new Linear(); barcode.Symbology = BarcodeType.CODE128; barcode.Code = "9876543210"; barcode.drawBarcode("C://code-128-in-csharp.gif");
You can draw other file formats, by change file types to .jpg, .bmp, .png, and .tif.
4. How to draw & print Identcode barcodes to .NET objects like Graphics, Stream, Bitmap?
using BusinessRefinery.Barcode; Linear barcode = new Linear(); barcode.Symbology = BarcodeType.CODE128; barcode.Code = "9876543210"; barcode.drawBarcode2Stream("Stream object"); Bitmap barcodeInBitmap = barcode.drawBarcode(); barcode.drawBarcodeOnGraphics("Graphics object");
5. How to create Identcode barcodes in C# or VB.NET Windows Application using .NET Barcode Generator Windows Control Library?
add BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Win.dll to your .NET Windows Application project reference
- add .NET Barcode Generator .NET Windows Control Library to .NET Visual Studio Toolbox
6. How to create Identcode barcodes in ASP.NET Web Application using ASP.NET Barcode Generator Web Control Library?
add BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Web.dll to your ASP.NET project reference
- add ASP.NET Barcode Generator ASP.NET Web Control Library to .NET Visual Studio Toolbox
.NET Barcode Identcode Generator - Barcode Property Settings
Symbology : Barcode symbology type.
HTTP Parameter: symbology; Default Value: Symbology.CODE128 (7)
Code : Barcode encoding data value.
HTTP Parameter: code; Default Value: ""
AddChecksum : Apply Checksum digit at the end of some linear barcode value.
HTTP Parameter: add-checksum; Default Value: false
BarcodeUnit : Unit of meature for all size related properties. 0: Pixel (default); 1: CM; 2: Inch.
HTTP Parameter: barcode-unit; Default Value: 0 (UOM_PIXEL)
BarWidth : bar module width (X), default is 3 pixel
HTTP Parameter: bar-width; Default Value: 3
BarHeight : bar module height (Y), default is 60 pixel
HTTP Parameter: bar-height; Default Value: 60
LeftMargin : generated barcode image left margin
HTTP Parameter: left-margin; Default Value: 0.0f
RightMargin : generated barcode image right margin
HTTP Parameter: right-margin; Default Value: 0.0f
TopMargin : generated barcode image top margin
HTTP Parameter: top-margin; Default Value: 0.0f
BottomMargin : generated barcode image bottom margin
HTTP Parameter: bottom-margin; Default Value: 0.0f
Resolution : generated barcode image resolution in dpi
HTTP Parameter: resolution; Default Value: 72 dpi
Rotate : barcode rotate angle, valid values: 0 (ROTATE_0), 1 (ROTATE_90), 2 (ROTATE_180), 3 (ROTATE_270)
HTTP Parameter: rotate; Default Value: 0 (ANGLE_0)
HTTP Parameter: barcode-width; Default Value: 0
HTTP Parameter: barcode-height; Default Value: 0
Width : for WinForm Controller only, same as BarcodeWidth
HTTP Parameter: -; Default Value: 0
Height : for WinForm Controller only, same as BarcodeHeight
HTTP Parameter: -; Default Value: 0
DisplayText : set true to draw barcode value text under the barcode
HTTP Parameter: display-text; Default Value: true
DisplayChecksumDigit : set true to display last checksum digit, if any.
HTTP Parameter: display-checksum-digit; Default Value: true
TextFont : drawn barcode value text font style
HTTP Parameter: text-font; Default Value: new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 11)
TextMargin : space between barcode and barcode text
HTTP Parameter: text-margin; Default Value: 6 pixel
DisplayStartStopChar : for Barcode Code39 and Code39 extension only, draw start & stop char (*) in the beginning and end of code39
HTTP Parameter: display-start-stop-char; Default Value: true
I : Width of intercharacter gap, This a multiple of X. For Code39 only.
HTTP Parameter: i; Default Value: 1.0f
BarRatio : Wide vs narrow bar width ratio, valid range 2.0 - 3.0 inclusive. For Code39, Code 2 of 5, Interleaved 2 of 5, ITF14, Leitcode & Identcode
HTTP Parameter: bar-ratio; Default Value: 2.0f
BearerBarStyle : For ITF-14 only, The style of bearer bar, it can be frame or horizontal bars only.
HTTP Parameter: bearer-bar-style; Default Value: BearerBarStyle.Frame
BearerBarWidth : For ITF-14 only, The bearer bar size. Valid values are 0-10 which are a multiple of X.
HTTP Parameter: bearer-bar-width; Default Value: 2.0f
Linear Barcodes
- Codabar - Code-11 - Code-39 - Code-93 - Code-128 - EAN-128 / GS1-128 - Code 2 of 5 - Interleaved 2 of 5 - UPC-A - UPC-E - EAN-8 - EAN-13 - ISBN - ISSN - Identcode - Leitcode - Planet - Postnet - USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode (OneCode) - MSI Plessey - RM4SCC - ITF-14