- Barcode Products
- Generate barcodes in ASP.NET
- Generate barcodes in .NET WinForms
- Generate barcodes in Visual C#.NET
- Generate barcodes in Visual Basic.NET
- Generate barcodes in Java
- Generate barcodes in Crystal Reports
- Generate barcodes in Reporting Service
- Generate barcodes in RDLC Report
- Generate Barcodes in BIRT Report
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- About Us
- Simple to integrate into your Crystal Reports
- Rich PLANET settings to customize your generating barcodes
- Minimum PLANET knowledge required, with complete developer guides
- Comprehensive C#, VB.NET sample codes for PLANET generation configured to its barcode specification
- Also support other USPS barcodes: Intelligent Mail, Postnet
- Mature and reliable C#.NET Barcode components since 2003
- Royalty free with Developer License purchased
Quick Jump: PLANET Information | PLANET in Crystal Reports FAQ
PLANET Information
Encodable Character
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Encodable Data Length
- Fixed length
- 11 or 13 digits only
- Add a check digit in the end
PLANET in Crystal Reports - FAQ
This document provides several methods to specify PLANET barcodes in Crystal Reports. Please download BusinessRefinery.com PLANET Barcode Generator for Crystal Reports.
1. What are these in our Crystal Report Barcode Generator package?
You will find "BarcodeDemoData.mdb", "CustomerDataSet.xsd", "developer guide" and "BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Web.dll" or "BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Win.dll" in the package; See more information on .NET Crystal Report Barcode Generation Guide.
2. How to Install this class library onto your Crystal Reports?
Install .NET Crystal Reports barcode generator can be easy and simple, view Install process for Crystal Reports.
3. How to adjust Postnet short bar and tall bar ratio using C# and VB.NET class?
Postnet bar ratio is the proportion of short bar vs tall bar.
C# class:
using BusinessRefinery.Barcode;
Linear barcode = new Linear();
barcode.Symbology = Symbology.PLANET;
barcode.Code = "1234567890123";
barcode.ShortTallRatio = 0.444444;
VB.NET class:
Dim barcode As BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Linear barcode = New BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Linear()
barcode.Symbology = BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Symbology.PLANET
barcode.Code = "12345678901"
barcode.ShortTallRatio = 0.444444
4. How to customize PLANET barcode size using C# and VB.NET class??
PLANET barcode size can be influenced by bar width & height, barcode width & height, barcode margin, measurement of unit for barcode.
C# class:
using BusinessRefinery.Barcode;
Linear barcode = new Linear();
barcode.Symbology = Symbology.PLANET;
barcode.Code = "12345678901";
barcode.BarWidth = 3;
barcode.BarHeight = 90;
barcode.TopMargin = 7;
barcode.BottomMargin = 7;
VB.NET class:
Dim barcode As BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Linear barcode = New BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Linear()
barcode.Symbology = BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Symbology.PLANET
barcode.Code = "12345678901"
barcode.BarWidth = 3
barcode.BarHeight = 90
barcode.RightMargin = 7
barcode.LeftMargin = 7