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BusinessRefinery.com provides high performance ASP.NET barcode encoder for Codabar barcodes and other 20+ linear & 2D barcodes in ASP.NET web forms and Internet Information Service (IIS). It provides various barcode options for customize Codabar barcodes, and compatible with Codabar barcode specification.
Codabar is a discreate, self-checking linear barcode symbology widely used in library applications. It was developed in 1972 by Pitney Bowse, Inc, which is also known as Codeabar, Ames Code, NW-7(in Japan), Monarch, Code 2 of 7, Rationalized Codabar, ANSI/AIM BC3-1995 or USD-4.
.NET Codabar prints 16 letters:
Codabar is a discreate, self-checking linear barcode symbology widely used in library applications. It was developed in 1972 by Pitney Bowse, Inc, which is also known as Codeabar, Ames Code, NW-7(in Japan), Monarch, Code 2 of 7, Rationalized Codabar, ANSI/AIM BC3-1995 or USD-4.
.NET Codabar prints 16 letters:
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- - (Dash), $ (Dollar), : (Colon), / (Slash), . (Point), + (Plus)
ASP.NET Barcode Codabar Generator
1. How to create Codabar barcodes in ASP.NET Web Application using ASP.NET Barcode Generator Web Control Library?
- Download BusinessRefinery.com ASP.NET Codabar Barcode and unzip
- Copy BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Web.dll to your ASP.NET project folder. Do not copy dll to .NET bin directory, Visual Studio build tools will do it for you.
- Add BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Web.dll to your ASP.NET project or website reference
2. Generate Codabar into your ASP.NET Web Forms using ASP.NET Barcode Web Control
- Install BusinessRefinery.com ASP.NET Codabar Barcode
- Add ASP.NET Barcode Generator Control to your Visual Studio ToolBox
- Copy "linear.aspx" and "linear.aspx.cs" to the folder where your aspx pages are generating barcodes.
- Drag and drop "LinearWebForm" to your ASPX web forms.
- Run the website to view the barcodes generated. To customize Codabar settings, view Codabar barcode settings below.
3. Generate Codabar into your Interner Information Service (IIS) using ASP.NET Barcode Web Control
- Download BusinessRefinery.com ASP.NET Codabar Barcode and unzip
- Copy barcode fold and contents to IIS and create a new file directory called "br_barcode"
- Restart IIS, navigate to http://YourDomain:Port/br_barcode/aspnet.aspx?code=123456&symbology=0
- Add an image tag <img> into the web page to create Codabar barcode image in html or aspx pages, e.g.<img src="http://YourDomain:Port/br_barcode/aspnet.aspx? code=123456&symbology =0 />
4. Generate Codabar into your ASP.NET Web Forms using C#, VB.NET Codabar Generating Sample Code
How to generate Codabar barcodes in C#.NET Class?
using BusinessRefinery.Barcode;
Linear barcode = new Linear();
barcode.Symbology = Symbology.CODABAR;
barcode.Code = "987-654-32-10";
barcode.draw arcode2ImageFile("C://codabar.gif");
How to generate Codabar barcodes in VB.NET Class?
Dim barcode As BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Linear barcode = New BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Linear()
barcode.Symbology = BusinessRefinery.Barcode.Symbology.CODABAR
barcode.Code = "0198-7654-3210"
5. How to draw Codabar barcodes to image files (GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, & TIFF) and ASP.NET objects like Graphics, Stream, Bitmap?
Draw Codabar barcodes to image files
using BusinessRefinery.Barcode;
Linear barcode = new Linear();
barcode.Symbology = Symbology.CODABAR;
barcode.Code = "98-76-543-210";
barcode.draw arcode2ImageFile("C://codabar.gif");
Draw Codabar barcode image into .NET Graphics, Stream & Bitmap objects.
barcode.drawBarcode2Stream("Stream object");
barcode.drawBarcodeOnGraphics("Graphics object");
Bitmap barcodeInBitmap = barcode.drawBarcode();
ASP.NET Barcode Codabar Generator - Barcode Property Settings
- symbology (HTTP Parameter, Codabar: 0)to choose barcode type; Default Value: 1
- code(HTTP Parameter) to encode Codabar valid character; Default Value: ""
- add-checksum (HTTP Parameter)to apply Checksum digit at the end of some linear barcode value; Default Value: false
For Codabar
- codabar-start-char (HTTP Parameter) to choose Codabar start char; Default Value: 0 'A'; Valid value: 0 ('A'), 1 ('B'), 2 ('C') , 3 ('D')
- codabar-stop-char (HTTP Parameter) to choose Codabar stop char; Default Value: 0 'A'; Valid value: 0 ('A'), 1 ('B'), 2 ('C') , 3 ('D')
- bar-ratio (HTTP Parameter) to specify Codabar wide vs narrow bar width ratio; Default Value: 2.0f; Valid value: 2.0 - 3.0
Barcode Size
- barcode-unit (HTTP Parameter)to choose unit of meature for all size related properties ; Default Value: 0 (UOM_PIXEL)
- bar-width (HTTP Parameter) to set bar module width (X); Default Value: 3
- bar-height (HTTP Parameter) to set bar module height(Y); Default Value: 60
- left-margin (HTTP Parameter) to set generated barcode image left margin; Default Value: 0.0f
- right-margin (HTTP Parameter) to set generated barcode image right margin; Default Value: 0.0f
- top-margin (HTTP Parameter) to set generated barcode image top margin; Default Value: 0.0f
- bottom-margin (HTTP Parameter) to set generated barcode image bottom margin; Default Value: 0.0f
- resolution (HTTP Parameter) to control generated barcode image resolution in dpi; Default Value: 72 dpi
- rotate (HTTP Parameter) to rotate generated barcode image angle; Default Value: 0; valid values: 0 (ROTATE_0), 1 (ROTATE_90), 2 (ROTATE_180), 3 (ROTATE_270)
- barcode-width (HTTP Parameter) to manage generated barcode image width; Default Value: 0
- barcode-height (HTTP Parameter) to manage generated barcode image height; Default Value: 0
Barcode Text Style
- display-text (HTTP Parameter) to draw barcode value text under the barcode if it is true; Default Value: true
- display-checksum-digit (HTTP Parameter) to display last checksum digit if it is true; Default Value: true
- text-font (HTTP Parameter) to customize drawn barcode value text font style; Default Value: new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 11) text-margin (HTTP Parameter) to the space between barcode and barcode text; Default Value: 6 pixel