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- Display RM4SCC for Microsoft Word in Windows OS and Mac OS
- Integrate with Microsoft Word for Windows Operating systems
- Support Word 2003, Word 2007, and Word 2010 for Windows
- Easy to use in Word for Mac OS X
- Draw module bars in the unit of pixel, cm or inch
- Mature barcode generation technology since 2003
- Royalty free
RM4SCC Word Add-In - Brief Introduction
RM4SCC is also called CBC (Customer Bar Code) within Royal Mail.
BusinessRefinery RM4SCC Word Add-In generate and display RM4SCC in Word. It integrates with Operating Systems including Windows and Mac. Word version including Word 2003-2010 for Windows and Word 2004-2010 for Mac are supported. The generated RM4SCC is in high quality.
RM4SCC Word Add-In - Functionality
- Data:
- Code: Encode RM4SCC with dynamic data string
- Size:
- BarcodeUnit: Support measure units including pixel, cm, and inch
- Bar Size: Set width and height of bar
- Symbol Size: Define width and heigh of symbol
- Margin: Add margins to symbol to enhance symbol readability
- Human - Readable information:
- DisplayText: Show or hide human-readable information below symbol
- TextFont: Set style and size of font, allowing bold, italic, underlined, and strikeouted text